Ministry to the Sick
One of the seven major Mysteries (commonly, but erroneously, referred to as “sacraments”) in the Coptic Orthodox Church is the Mystery of Anointing the Sick, which is also known the Mystery of the Lamps, because seven lamps were lit by the early Christians and the sanctified oil therefrom was used to anoint the sick for healing. Today, the oil is poured in a plate and seven threads are dipped in it. The number seven signifies the fullness of the Holy Spirit in the Church (Is 61:1-3).
When someone is sick, it is important that this Mystery be celebrated along with two other Mysteries: the Mystery of Repentance/Confession (for the forgiveness of sins) and the Mystery of the Eucharist (for communion with God and a pledge of eternal life).
Remember O Lord those of Thy people that are sick, to visit them in mercies; and in compassion make them whole.
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